What Our Clients Are Saying

"I never thought I would be able to represent myself in what seemed like such a complex wrongful termination, but the advocates at Paragon Elite really helped clarify the process and my options to me. I managed to settle my case and receiving my proper severance package from my former employer!"
Raheem J.
“I am thankful for the advocates at Paragon Elite Solutions. They were attentive  responsive and reliable. They helped me make sense of my government contract and guided me with clarity. A trustworthy team I would recommend to anyone.”
Amelia M,
"The advocates at Paragon Elite made such an impact on my case. The consultation is definitely for people who just need some ideas on how defend themselves or need an understanding of the legal process"
Sandra K.

Here Are the Answers to Our Most Common Queries!

We will address all of your concerns and if you have a legitimate case. I handle all case types and can help you navigate them effortlessly!

We are located in the metropolitan area of Atlanta Georgia. We services all areas of Georgia and offer mobile services as well. Check out our services page for more!

Paragon Elite is not a law firm as we do not have licensed Attorneys on our team. We offer a plethora of legal and private investigative services that suit different needs. 

We offer a variety of services necessary for the process of adjudication across various areas of law. We also provide insight similar to that of an attorney but at a more cost efficient rate. 

Reach Out for Legal Assistance Today

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